Finding Balance in Life | Pro Tip from Cecilia Iliesiu

Cecilia Iliesiu Soloist PNB

Our current School of Ballet 5:8 Featured Guest, Cecilia Iliesiu, is a soloist with Pacific Northwest Ballet. Learn from Cecilia how a professional dancer thinks, trains, and stays motivated. This week's Pro Tip is about finding balance between dance and the rest of life. Maintaining a good balance positively impacts your artistry and mental well-being!

Cecilia says:

Find interests outside of ballet.

This may seem counterintuitive, but it is advice I take seriously.

If ballet is 100% of your life, you don't give yourself the space to explore new hobbies, rest, draw, read a book, or whatever it is. Completing my college degree while dancing professionally full-time gave me so much perspective and made me a more well-rounded human / dancer.


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