Making Progress

Ballet 5:8 Conservatory Student, Margaret Fitz shares about becoming her character in Pilgrim’s Progress.

Ballet 5:8 Company Artist Elizabeth Marlin

Who are you dancing as in Pilgrim’s Progress this year?
I am dancing the role of Interpreter.

What has been the most interesting or challenging part about portraying your character?

I just learned part of my role and I am very excited to figure out who exactly the Interpreter is and how I want to portray her. Currently, she is partially veiled in mystery to me so I've started my research. I am excited to continue lifting the veil so I can become her on the stage and in rehearsal. I know she is very wise. She is also a key character because she gives Christian the certificate to get into celestial city, and also gives him a key, which I found out at the beginning of learning my role.

Which scene is your favorite and why?

So far I've learned my variation and the music is beautiful! I love how the steps flow together and there's a lot of movement around the stage. You can hear how the steps go right with the music, whether it's the melody or the more undertone rhythm of the song.

Describe the movement style of your character.

Quite connected, it flows, thoughtful, very musical.

Why should audiences come to see Pilgrim’s Progress?

The story has a very good message with an engaging storyline, there are surprises at every turn as you watch it unravel!


Makeup Tip | Pro Tip from Cecilia Iliesiu


Attitude & Atmosphere | Pro Tip from Cecilia Iliesiu