Making Progress

Ballet 5:8 Trainee Rachel Walker shares about becoming her character in Pilgrim’s Progress.

Ballet 5:8 Company Artist Elizabeth Marlin

Who are you dancing as in Pilgrim’s Progress this year?
I am dancing in one of the lead roles named Evangelist.

What has been the most interesting or challenging part about portraying your character?
There is a struggle between portraying the passion and urgency of the message vs. the love and compassion with which I deliver it. This is the case in the everyday life evangelism that we are called to as well, so I love that my character is accurate to reality in that way.

Which scene is your favorite and why?
I have not learned all the scenes I am in yet, but out of the ones I have learned, I really enjoy the City of Destruction, in which I am pleading with the citizens to listen to my message about God and expressing my sorrow that the people don't know him. Later on, I convince Christian to start on the path to the Celestial City!

Describe the movement style of your character.
My movement style is somewhat adagio-like but sprinkled with "words" to the people who I am speaking to, that form accents to compliment the choreography.

Why should audiences come to see Pilgrim’s Progress?
This will be a very clear representation of the gospel that also shows the daily struggle of the Christian life. It illustrates the before and after of someone who has accepted Christ, and the celestial celebration at the end lets us know that all the trials in this life are worth it for the sake of Christ!


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