Doing “Everything” At Once
Ms. Brette Benedict tackles the difficulty of remembering combinations, corrections and so much more - all at once!
Breathing for Dancers
Breathing in ballet is a necessity - not just to get you through that Grand Allegro combination, but to enhance your port de bras, develop the dynamics of your movement and bring life to you dancing. Breathing can assist your co-ordination, help you developing control and increasing your stamina (for that Grand Allegro next time!) Let’s look at three examples.
Are You Applying Your Corrections?
Corrections are continually being given to you in ballet class. For most of us it's very common to hear the same one over and over again, whether it is a personal or general correction. Even as a professional dancer, hearing the same correction constantly can get extremely frustrating.
Remembering Corrections
One of the hardest parts of ballet is remembering and applying corrections. You are thinking about so many different things already that trying to fix corrections can feel overwhelming. It is very important to really listen to each correction that the teacher gives and work to make the changes in your body.