Our Teacher Assistant Program allows dancers to learn teaching skills and gain real-time experience in the classroom.
Learning to dance is one thing; learning to effectively teach dance is another! Our Teacher Assistant Program is an important way for aspiring teachers to begin developing those skills alongside their dance training.
School of Ballet 5:8 Teacher Assistants can become certified after assisting one or more classes for a minimum of one school year.
Teacher Assistants important gain hands-on experience in the classroom alongside School of Ballet 5:8’s professional instructors, while also pouring into the Ballet 5:8 School of the Arts community.
Teacher Assistants attend teacher training courses, learn Ballet 5:8 style, curriculum, and syllabus, and practice skills like class planning, classroom management, giving positive corrections, and combining learning outcomes with JOY and a love for dancing.
Application Requirements
Be actively enrolled in School of Ballet 5:8 classes for a minimum of 12 months prior to application.
Maintain consistent class attendance and abide by School of Ballet 5:8 conduct rules.
Be at least 15 years of age.
Have an interest in dance instruction.
About Our Teacher Assistant Program
School of Ballet 5:8 is renowned for excellence in dance education at every age and level. Our Teacher Training Program allows you to teach alongside our Faculty and Teaching Staff and gain valuable first-hand experience in our classrooms. School of Ballet 5:8’s reputation makes our TA certification a valuable addition to your resume.
Throughout the year assisting for one 45min-1hr long class will accrue you 27-36 hours of course study. As a teacher's assistant or TA, you will increase your leadership roles within the class room incrementally over the course of the school year. At the end of the school year, you will teach a solo class under observation from one of our senior faculty members. Successful completion of that solo class exam will certify you to teach that level of dance at School of Ballet 5:8.
After completion of the School of Ballet 5:8 TA course you will receive the following:
A certificate of completion that verifies your completion of B58S’s TA program
A letter of recommendation from Ballet 5:8 for use in future teaching applications
You will automatically be added to School of Ballet 5:8’s substitute teacher roster
Opportunity to be considered for School of Ballet 5:8’s teaching staff
The practical knowledge and experience to lead-teach in specific areas of dance education
Frequently Asked Questions
Are TAs paid?
The hours TAs spend in the classroom are specifically for educational purposes and therefore are not paid. This keeps our certification courses tuition-free. In addition, by being a B58S TA you gain the ability to be scheduled for paid hours as a backstage worker for any B58S showcase or production. You are also able to be scheduled for paid work at B58S birthday parties.
Will I have opportunities to take the lead in the classroom?
Yes! As a TA you may be scheduled to substitute for your lead teacher, specifically during Ballet 5:8 Company’s tour season. As part of your TA training, you will also have scheduled classes/sections of class throughout the semester that will be your responsibility to lead.
What if I have a work schedule conflict with my TA hours?
We ask that all of our TAs take their participation in the program seriously. For that reason, we discourage TAs from double scheduling outside employment over their agreed-upon TA hours.
What if I have a performance schedule conflict with my TA hours?
If you are cast to perform on a date that conflicts with your normal TA hours please notify your lead teacher and that class's program director with at least two weeks' notice so a substitute can be arranged.
Inquiry Form
If you meet the application requirements above, contact us to let us know you’re interested in applying for the Teacher Assistant Program.
Applications must typically be submitted by August 1.