Inspire Your Own Confidence | Pro Tip from Jessica Lohr

Jessica Lohr Ballet 5:8 Solo Artist

Our current Featured Guest, Jessica Lohr, is a Solo Artist with Ballet 5:8. For ten weeks, Jessica has shared tips on how to care for your body, ballet life hacks, and more. Read Jessica’s final Pro Tip for boosting your confidence.

Jessica says:

It’s amazing how something as small as wearing an outfit that makes you feel happy can change the way that you dance!

I think that wearing something that makes you feel confident and most like yourself will also make you dance more boldly and authentically. It can be something as simple as making sure the leotards you own are comfortable and flattering, or having a “happy” leotard that you wear on days you need a little extra inspiration! (Mine is a pretty floral leotard, and my friend has one with puppy dog prints that gets her inspired!)

If you have a really strict dress-code where you dance, try finding a small hair accessory or hairstyle that makes you feel your best!


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