How to Retain Constructive Feedback | Pro Tip from Jessica Lohr

Our current Featured Guest, Jessica Lohr, is a Solo Artist with Ballet 5:8. Follow along each week as Jessica shares tips on how to care for your body, ballet life hacks, and more.

Jessica says:

Have you ever felt overwhelmed trying to remember all the notes your director or teacher gives you in class or rehearsal?

As a student, I used to feel this way all the time. This all ended one day when one of my teachers gave me the most simple but helpful piece of advice.

It was my first day being coached for a variation I would be dancing for YAGP, and he told me that I needed to come with a notebook to write down any notes he gave. It was revolutionary for me! Since that day, I have made a habit of writing down any notes from rehearsal at the end of the day, and then I review those notes at the beginning of the next day.

This has helped me retain corrections and takes away a lot of the nervousness of taking on a new role! A bonus tip is to also write down any positive feedback you might receive. This always gives me a little extra encouragement as I am reviewing my notes and reminds me that I am capable and have something to offer in the role that I am currently working on!


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