Remembering Corrections


One of the hardest parts of ballet is remembering and applying corrections.

You are thinking about so many different things already that trying to fix corrections can feel overwhelming. It is very important to really listen to each correction that the teacher gives and work to make the changes in your body.

The best way to make quick improvements is to be extremely focused in every class that you take! Pay attention to everything the teacher is saying; they aren’t just talking for the fun of it. Even if the correction isn’t for you, you can benefit from really trying to understand the teacher’s comments. When given time to practice, work through your correction over and over again. Muscle memory is a powerful thing. Your body is used to working the wrong way so you have to really work to make your muscles naturally move the correct way.

At the end of each class, write down all your corrections in your notebook. Writing them down will help the corrections stick in your brain a little bit easier. Feel free to draw pictures if you think that will help you remember them better! Before you go to bed, pull out your notebook and review your corrections. It can be helpful to close your eyes and visualize yourself doing each move accurately.

Before your next class, go over each correction in your notebook. Work on the proper way of executing the steps to get the muscle memory back in your body. During every combination, really focus on what your body is doing. Make sure you are going through your checklist in your head of what every part of your body should be doing.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask questions! The teacher is there to help you. If you don’t understand a correction, take the initiative to approach your teacher after class. They will see that you really want to learn and improve, and they won’t get frustrated when you don’t fix something right away.


Are You Criticizing Me?


Ballet 5:8 School of the Arts Bringing Hope to Households Through Dance