Cross Training for Dancers | Part 5 - Foot Strength & Articulation

The past cross training blog posts explained the purpose and benefits of cross training as well as suggesting exercises for strengthening turnout, core muscles, inner thighs, and improving extension. What other area of the body can dancers target in their cross training? Foot strength and articulation.

Dancers generally desire - and rightly so - to have strong, articulate feet. Foot strength and mobility are important no matter what, and even more important in pointe shoes.

Dancers, especially those who dance en pointe, must take care of their feet and prevent injury through foot exercises.

There are many great exercises that dancers can do to strengthen their feet such as foot domes, TheraBand exercises, and piano toes. In the video, Ballet 5:8 School Pre-Professional Co-Director and Ballet 5:8 Solo Artist Valerie Linsner demonstrates a toe spreading exercise. This is just one of the many exercises dancers can incorporate into their cross training to increase foot mobility by developing strength in the metatarsals.


Cross Training for Dancers | Part 6 - Progressing Ballet Technique


Introducing Featured Guest Elizabeth Marlin